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sabina strachan
Dec 17, 20213 min read
Trying to collaborate but faced with new challenges? Try regrouping and flipping your approach...
What can you do if you face unforeseen challenges that could derail your collaborative project? ‘Lou’ and ‘Jamila’ are college lecturers...
sabina strachan
Jan 31, 20202 min read
How do I facilitate collaboration? Three top tips.
What’s your experience of trying to facilitate collaboration? What were the challenges you faced? Were you able to overcome them? In this...
sabina strachan
Dec 5, 20192 min read
Want to collaborate but going nowhere fast? Try a different approach
Have you ever tried to work with others to solve a problem or achieve a common objective and struggled to reach the shared goal? If that...
sabina strachan
Sep 5, 20193 min read
Why collaborate? Collaborate to inspire...
What are the benefits of collaborating for me, my team and our organisation? How would it change how we do things now?
sabina strachan
Feb 22, 20193 min read
What kind of space is going to help us collaborate?
The idea of a ‘collaborative’ workspace or learning environment is not new. And we no longer need to be in a single physical space to...
sabina strachan
Nov 30, 20182 min read
Can I manage my time better to collaborate? Part 2
You’ve worked out what leads to pursue, invested in the set-up, made the necessary time commitments, found your collaborators and have...
sabina strachan
Nov 23, 20183 min read
Can I manage my time better to collaborate? Part 1
Collaboration takes time. Effective collaboration leads to better outcomes – so does that mean that the time you invest is ultimately...
sabina strachan
Oct 24, 20183 min read
How do I make the best use of my networks for collaboration?
Your networks are a great way to find collaborators and support collaboration. But a strategic approach to network-building for...
sabina strachan
Sep 25, 20183 min read
Communication for successful collaboration – much more than a platform...
Good communication is a core skill for working with others collaboratively. This is true whether you are a collaborator or whether you...
sabina strachan
Jul 31, 20183 min read
Who are my collaborators and how do I find them?
So, you know what collaboration is, what it's for and when it's the right approach. You have a collaborative mindset and you are...
sabina strachan
May 15, 20183 min read
How do you steer clear of collaboration pitfalls?
There are some common blind alleys, wrong turns and pitfalls you can face on any 'collaboration journey'. This blog is all about...
sabina strachan
Apr 20, 20183 min read
How do you break through barriers to collaborate? Part 2
Collaborating when you don't operate in a collaborative culture and with people who are inexperienced collaborators are key challenges...
sabina strachan
Apr 16, 20183 min read
How do you break through barriers to collaborate? Part 1
If the issue you're trying to resolve is best done so collaboratively and there is a collective will to achieve shared outcomes, then you...
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